Yay!!!!! After this past weekend I am assured that Xander is now on a set routine. He had been doing awesome about bedtime and sleeping during the week, but on the weekend he seemed to be getting confused because we weren't going to work. The past two weekends his sleep schedule got confused and didn't go back to normal again till we were back at work on monday, but this past weekend, it stuck! He seems to have settled on a bedtime of about 8:00pm and wakes up around 7:15am. Which is like heaven for Mommy, I feel like I'm getting loads of sleep! Yay! In his bedtime bottle I have started giving him 2 tbsp. of rice cereal in his 8oz bottle. I was worried about him sleeping such long stretches and not eating, so that makes me feel a bit better about it. The Dr. said it was really a personal choice but as long as I was using such a small amount it wouldn't really change anything. She wants us to start cereal in a bowl at 4 months and was concerned that he would get used to having it out of the bottle and reject it on a spoon later, but when she heard the amount I was giving she said it wasn't an issue because it's not really enough to even get thick and I could continue doing it if I choose.
So Mommy has been keeping up on baby milestones in books and on websites and I am proud to say Xander is progressing amazingly!!
There are 3 catergories, one is mastered skills, stuff most kids can do by the end of that month, two is emerging skills, stuff about half of kids can do at that age, and three is advnaced skills, a few kids can do this stuff.
2 months skills (by the end of month 2):
First I'll start with the level one skills (this is stuff most kids can do):
~ Vocalizes: gurgles and coo's Check!
~ Follows objects across feild of vision Check!
~ Notices his hands Check!
~ Hold head up for short periods Check!
Level two skills: (about half of kids can do this stuff)
~ Smiles, Laughs Check!
~ Holds head at 45-degree angle Check!
~ Makes smoother movements Check!
Level three skills: (only a few kids can do this stuff!)
~ Holds head steady Check!
~ Can bear some weight on legs Check!
~ Lifts head and shoulders when Check!
lying on tummy (mini pushup)
And he even has started to master some of his 3 month skills early!
~ He already recoginizes Mommy's face and scent
~ And he already recoginizes both Mommy and Daddy's voices, and turns to look for us when he hears us, a Level two 3 months skill (only some kids can do this by the end of the 3rd month and he's not even to the end of month 2 yet!)
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