Xander takes a full out bath twice a week. On the other day's I do a sponge bath/wipe down. His skin has been super dry so I've cut back on the full bath's to twice a week. Plus with work and everything it's just easier for us both. So recently bath time has been getting more and more difficult, because he's growing much too big for his baby bath tub at all, even with out the little hammock thing. Thursday night I decided it was bath day and Chris got him undressed and I got the tub ready we put him in and he hardly fit! Well just enough to where he could splash over and over really hard with his feet! For the first time he has discovered the art of the splash. He was going crazy kicking the water and making it go EVERYWHERE. So I took him out and handed him to Chris and I filled the big bath tub, because in the little one I couldn't even lay him down to wash his hair! I set
Xander in the big bath tub and he just splashed and slid everywhere, it was
awful, I could hardly hold on to that slippery baby, there was NO way I was gonna be able to wash him. At this point I'm pretty much soaked as it is, so I gave in, took off my clothes down to my undies and bra (I'm still not sure on the
appropriateness of boys seeing mom naked even at this age and I don't wanna screw him up or something
lol) and jumped in the tub and gave him a bath. What could I do? Looks like mommy will be swim suiting up for baths from now on, until
Xander is a little more stable in the tub, hopefully not too long.
On another note
Xander is eating about half a jar of baby food per meal! He really likes eating! It's awesome, he eats at dinner time and then has about 3/4 his normal bottle. Only once a day still but I'm think of stepping it up to twice and I'm thinking about trying yogurt for breakfast maybe next week I read it in my what to expect in baby's first year book and the doc recommended it! Just plain of course. So far
Xander has tried and enjoyed: carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, peaches, pears and squash. We haven't gone to green stuff as of yet, probably soon. The squash has been the strongest flavor, I tasted it and it was good but a much stronger flavor than all the other foods, he didn't eat quite as much of that one. ha ha The doc also said I could give him a baked potato to play with/eat one day, I'm pretty excited to try that, probably in the next couple weeks, I'll take pictures : )