Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hello! Goodbye!

Xander has learned one of the cutest tricks so far, he can wave hello and goodbye! It's SO adorable! It started early Sunday morning (about 5am), when I got him out of bed and put him on the changing table he waved good morning to me! Then he waved hello to the dog, all of his stuffed animals and Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America ha ha Grandma Nancy thought it would be fun to teach him this adorable trick a few weeks ago and this week he got it down! He waves good night to each of the animals on his mobile with a big smile before bed each night, it's really sweet! Also last week Xander started pulling himself up to standing! The doctor said at his 9 month appointment that he would likely walk before a year! As exciting as this is, it's still a little scary, I don't think all the "baby proofing" in the world can help me once he starts walking! ha ha

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