Thursday, April 9, 2009

Da da!!!!!!

So I know I've been gone for a bit, we've moved and finally are starting to get settled in. Still so so much to do and with my favorite holiday approaching! I don't have much time, but I couldn't keep it in any longer!
Big news!
Xander said his first words today! DA DA! It was unbelievable! In the past week he's started talking more and more gibberish rather than baby talk. Occasionally he'll say something that resembles a word, but it's obvious he doesn't know what it means. Well for the past day or so he's been saying da, da, da, da all the time. I thought it was cute but that he didn't understand what he was saying. Then this evening as we were putting him to bed, he looked and Chris and said, "Da, da, da!". Chris and I looked at each other and I asked Xander, "did you just say da da?" and then, he said it again! Looking right at Chris! He did this 4 or 5 times, mostly because we HAD to be sure it was the real thing, ha ha! But it was, there you have it Xander's first words: da da : )
Since there is SO much that has happened in the past weeks I'll be as brief as possible on the rest of what's new (but there is SO much to say!)
Where to start... Well Xander can now sit up in his crib! It's very strange to walk into his room and find him sitting there staring at you! Needless to say we lowered the crib to the LOWEST setting ha ha He has also discovered light sockets and has already successfully learned to remove the "baby proof" light socket covers we have in less than 10 seconds! Oh my! Also he has learned to use a "sippy" cup, and he still eats like a little champ. He's learning to self-feed, and especially loves teething biscuits and toasts. He is now what I call a "speed" crawler, which proves to be hazardous because by the time you're out of your seat to get him he's already there! ha ha He loves boxes and tape and everything he shouldn't. He LOVES to read more than just about anything which is SO cute. When I open one of his books to read to him he just squeals in delight! He has discovered his pacifiers but in an "unconventional" sort of way, he chooses to chew on them more than suck. Which I guess helps him now that he has 6 teeth! Yes SIX! Already! 4 on top, 2 on bottom. Well that's all I can think of for now, I'm sure there's more but I'll save that for later. Also no pictures today, I can't seem to find where I packed or unpacked the camera cord, of course, I'll find it in time for Easter pictures : )

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yea! So exciting! Isn't it fun to hear their little voices?! Hope you guys are settling in to things at the new place!

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