Tuesday, January 12, 2010


My goal for this month, teach Xander to only take one book off his shelf at a time and put it back when he's done. I figured it's time to starting learning to clean up and why not start with his new bookself? So far he's got the putting books back part, but as soon as he picks up all the books he starts to pull them all back off the shelf so he can do it all over. I like that he thinks it is fun but I'm not sure how to explain that the books need to stay on the shelf. So far it's been mostly mommy putting them back, but he seems to realize now that they belong on the shelf and hasn't yet taken too many off at a time before helping me put them back.

We also have Xander's 18month doctor appointment to look forward to coming up here on the 25th, only one shot this time (thankfully!), but I'm really anxious to see how he's grown, it's been 6months.

Pictures for the Day! Xander sitting cute with cuddly creatures:






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